
I’m Melinda Olsen, and I see you.

Hey there,

I've been where you are now. From being a divorced single mom to getting remarried and figuring out the whole blended family thing, I've lived the whole spectrum. And let me tell you, life doesn't just stop after a divorce—it can actually be the catalyst to your best life yet!

I get it. I've been in your shoes.

There was a point when I thought I'd never be able to trust or love someone again. Raising three boys on my own seemed like an impossible task, especially when I was so mad at the world, particularly at men. But somehow, I had to get over that anger.

I've felt betrayal that cut deep, experienced the kind of brokenness that shakes your core, and carried shame that felt like a heavy cloak. I've been stretched and tested beyond what I thought I could handle, felt pain so intense I could hardly catch my breath, and faced darkness so thick it felt like I'd never see light again.

But here I am.

I know what it's like to come out on the other side, to be reshaped and find joy and hope again. I want to help you do the same. It's not going to be a walk in the park, but I can tell you from my heart, it's absolutely worth it.

Let me share what I've learned with you and help you find your way through. Let's find that light together.

Divorce does NOT define you.

What People Are Saying

Melinda, both my sister Mary Ann and I received and read your article. It hit home for both of us, and she emailed me about it right after I had finished reading it yesterday morning. God’s timing is perfect. Thanks for allowing God to use you and your amazing gifts to share His word as you minister to others! Blessings!

- Linda A.

When I read the first paragraph of your article, it took me back to that time when my next door neighbor, my dear friend, was going thru hell, BUT in time, her love for her boys and faith in God, allowed her rise above the flames!! You are amazing and loved!

— Beth W.

Love your writing and how you use your life story to inspire and challenge us every Monday! It is a blessing to so many I am certain. I thought the blog post was so well done with verses and graphics combining so well with the narrative. Everything can be used for good if we allow it.  I am thankful for you!

-Karen A.

Well, you did it again! I actually read your article and cried. I am struggling so much at trying to "fix" or alleviate my kid's pains and challenges and I am constantly blaming myself, probably blaming God indirectly too. Thanks for reminding me about stepping in God's way--I think I do it much more than I would like to admit.

—Tracy A.

It’s Time For A Fresh Start!

What do you do when your life throws you a curve ball and you find yourself in the middle, or the other side, of a divorce? It can be overwhelming, lonely, and leave you with a lot of questions about what to do next.

I get it—I've been in your shoes before. That's why I put together this handy guide for a Fresh Start. It’s designed to help you kick off a new chapter in your life and create the life you really want. Complete the form below and I’ll send you a FREE copy today!

    Understanding where you’ve been, what your behavior patterns are, and committing to where you want to go from here are the first steps to healing. Checking the rearview mirror provides clarity of what’s behind us so we can embrace what’s before us.
